Angle Grades
These settings are stored for your currently selected Connection design method.
- General Overview
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Available Settings by Design Method
Screen | Columns | When Shown |
ASD/LRFD/CISC | Line number, Steel Grade, Nonstandard Notation, Fy, Fu, Ry, Rt | shown when an ASD, LRFD, or CISC Connection design method is selected. |
AS4100 | Line number, Steel Grade, Nonstandard Notation, Fy, Fu, Minimum Thickness, Maximum Thickness | shown when AS 4100 is the Connection design method. |
Eurocode | Line number, Steel Grade, Nonstandard Notation, Fy, Fu, Minimum Thickness, Maximum Thickness, Correlation Factor | shown when EUROCODE3 or EUROCODE3 UK is the Connection design method. |
Line number: The index number (a positive integer) assigned to the steel grade -- see Warning 2. The grade entered to line 1 on this screen is assigned by default to the first angle member Added after starting up Modeling. Line 1 applies to angles added using Add Material in the same way that it applies to members. Angles that are generated during connection design use the Angle sections steel grade set in Design Settings. The default setting for Angle sections is line 1 on this screen.
To move a line up or down in priority: Left-click to select the line and hold down the left-mouse button, then drag the line up or down.
Tip: Before beginning to input a Job, you may want to make the Angle sections connection material grade match the steel grade entered to line 1 on this table. Do not change the entry to line 1 (or, for that matter, any other line) when your current Job is under development. Doing so may result in materials in your current Job being reassigned different steel grades. |
Steel Grade: Any text string (up to 29 characters) to denote the name of the steel grade (e.g., A36, A401, Peter, Joe, whatever name you want). Steel grades entered here are selectable ( ) in Modeling wherever an angle section is entered as the Section size. You can, for instance, select these steel grades on the Rolled Section Material or HBrc Edit or Vertical Brace Edit windows.
Nonstandard Notation: Any text string (up to 29 characters) to denote that a particular steel grade is not the standard steel grade.
For member main material: This Nonstandard Notation string may be made to appear as a part of the section size of a member whose main material is angle. In a Modeling erection view, the notation appears when Section sizes are shown and the Denote non-standard material setup option is turned on. To get the annotation on an erection view drawing, you need to check the box for Denote non-standard material when you auto detail the erection view. Example 1: Enter * as the Nonstandard Notation on all lines except for the first line if you wanted section sizes for angle member main materials with nonstandard steel grades to be marked with a *. Example 2: Enter (A588) for A588 steel if you want (A588) to be displayed in the model next to the member's section size when A588 is selected ( ![]() |
For submaterials: A callout is generated next to that material's submaterial piecemark callout on the member detail when Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member and Material Piecemarking > Submaterial > ![]() |
Minimum Thickness & Maximum Thickness (AS4100 and Eurocode): These columns assign Fy (yield strength) and Fu (ultimate strength) values to a particular steel grade based on the thickness of the angle material.
Fy: The yield strength of the steel grade. If you are using imperial dimensioning, yield strength is measured in kips/sq. inch (ksi). If you are using metric dimensioning, yield strength is in megapascals (MPa). The value you enter for Fy is used to design connections.
Fu: The ultimate strength of the steel grade. If you are using imperial dimensioning, ultimate strength is measured in kips/sq. inch (ksi). If you are using metric dimensioning, ultimate strength is in megapascals (MPa). The value you enter for Fu is used to design connections.
Ry (ASD/LRFD): The ratio (no units) of expected yield stress to the specified minimum yield stress, Fy. See section I-6 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual. This overstrength factor is used during connection design for calculations related to member strength when the user has specified a Seismic brace (vertical brace). The default values used for Ry come from Table I -6 -1 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual. Ry is used only when the governing load (Tension load or Compression load) is Auto. Ry and Rt are not used for user-entered loads.
Rt (ASD/LRFD): The ratio (no units) of the expected tensile strength to the specified minimum tensile strength, Fu, as related to overstrength in material yield stress Ry. See section I-6 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual. This overstrength factor is used during connection design when the user has specified a Seismic brace. The default values used for Rt come from Table I -6 -1 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual. Rt is used only when the governing load (Tension load or Compression load) is Auto. Ry and Rt are not used for user-entered loads.
Correlation Factor (Eurocode): The appropriate correlation factor (ß w ) taken from Table 4.1 in BS EN 1993-1-8: 2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. The factor is used in calculations for fillet welds.
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OK (or the Enter key) closes this screen and applies the settings.
Cancel (or the Esc key) closes this screen without saving any changes.
Reset undoes all changes made to this screen since you first opened it. The screen remains open.
- Change Steel Grade
- Add Member
- Edit Member
- Add Material
- Edit Material
- Angle sections
- Steel grade (Status Display)
- Material steel grade (Status Display)